What to Have in A Panic Room
Anyone who is in LE or military knows that the key to surviving adverse situations is preparation. Without it, we would all be going into every situation blind, and that's never a good choice. Planning, even if it means having to think about unpleasant situations, will help to keep you prepared, so if things do go bad, you are better able to survive it. Many people have a certain room in their homes called a panic room. Essentially, a panic room is a secured room that your family will go to in case of an intruder or natural disaster. While each situation can vary in the amount of time spent in the room, you need to be prepared to be in there long-term potentially. That's why it is very important to know what to have in a panic room.
Panic room designs vary as much as house designs do but try to give yourself enough space in your panic room for your entire family and supplies to comfortably stay. Also, don't forget the supplies and room for your pets, they're a part of the family too. Here's our list of what to have in a panic room:
- A cell phone. Make sure that you keep it charged, and ready to use. This can be beneficial in case of burglary and needing to call 911 to get the police dispatched. If your panic room is underground, make sure you have a cell phone signal booster, that way your call can go out.
- A two-way radio. This is another option, if you have a trusted friend, and you can't get cell service, speak to your friend on the other line, and have them alert the authorities for you.
- Bottled water. This is a must. Unfortunately, when you are in the middle of a hurricane or snowstorm or you are trapped in by a burglar who is ransacking your house, you don't know how long you will be there. Make sure to have plenty of water to last you and your family for several days, just in case you somehow get stuck in the room and are unable to leave for several days.
- Food. You'll want non-perishable foods as well. While it may seem like you won't need anything, especially in the case of a robbery, having some snacks on hand may help your family to stay calm in an adverse situation. In the case of a storm, this is a definite must, as you never know if you will lose power or be able to gain access to groceries for several days.
- A portable toilet. If your panic room is not built with a bathroom, you'll definitely need this, as well as toilet paper and cleaning wipes.
- First aid kit. This is always good to have on-hand, especially if you had to engage with someone breaking into your house before making your escape to the panic room.
- Blankets and pillows. This is essential, especially if you anticipate being in here for several hours or even days. Your family will need a comfortable place to rest, and your kids may want to hide under a blanket to feel more secure.
- An electric lantern. In case of power loss, you'll need an electric lantern to see, as well as see around the house when it is safe for you to leave the room.
- Defensive weapons. In many cases, you want your panic room stocked with a firearm or knife. In many cases, you won't know what you are walking out to, and you want to be prepared for anyone who may be waiting outside the room to harm you or your family.
- Batteries. Have extra batteries on hand for a variety of tools from the two-way radio to the lantern. You don't want to be caught without batteries during an emergency.
- Pet supplies. Have some food and water, and bowls, available for your pet. In case of emergency, never leave your pet behind, gather them up and take them in the room with you to keep them safe.
Knowing what to have in a panic room is part of the battle of keeping your family safe in adverse situations. These tips will help you to stock your room and be prepared for anything.