Depending on what kind of weapon that is being carried will help determine the best type of gun bags for this situation. Some gun owners may prefer to keep their weapon holstered, however, there are certain situations where a gun bag is necessary for transportation. In many cases, on a range, a gun must be carried in in a gun bag, which is then opened and the gun is laid out along with the ammunition, while also showing that the gun is completely empty, even the chamber. In the case of a large rifle, there is not a holster large enough to hold that weapon on your person, which is where a gun bag comes in handy. Because there can be so many different pieces, the best types of gun bags are ones that can hold everything you need it to, without everything getting jumbled or disorganized.

Best Types of Gun Bags for Rifles

Carrying such a large weapon certainly requires a large enough bag to be able to hold everything, without necessarily having to break the gun down. After all, if you’re going out for a day at the range, the last thing you want to do is have to put your gun back together when you get there, then break it down when you’re done. Instead, transport it all in one piece, and save yourself time and effort at the range. We recommend the Condor 164 Rifle Transporter Bag as well as the Haley Strategic Incog Rifle Bag and LBX Full Length Rifle Bag for your larger weapons. They all feature a variety of helpful side compartments and zippers that make carrying multiple guns, as well as ammunition, knives, and targets easier than ever. These are perfect for if you are heading into a shift or just heading to the range to meet up with your friends. Depending on the size and bag chosen, you may or may not be able to fit your fully assembled rifle in, that depends on what kind of weapon you are moving.

Best Types of Gun Bags for Pistols

Technically, as long as you are licensed to do so or have permission to conceal carry, you are able to transport a pistol in any bag, whether it be a purse or a duffle bag. However, we also know that having a specific bag for your weapon is much better than just tossing it into a random backpack and hoping you can find everything when you need it. That’s where our Vertx B Range Bag comes in handy. Featuring a six pistol magazine pouch and a removable caddy for ammunition and empty shells, there’s nothing to dislike about this bag. It features all the organization needed, while also looking stylish and durable. It holds two full-sized handguns as well as all the accessories that need to be brought along whether it be cleaning tools, ammunition, or even targets.